Ashur Munge — designer & creative

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Kaksoissidos is the debut book of writer Merja Svensk, published by Robustos. I was comissioned to design the cover.
client — Robustos Publishing

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Sneaker Factoy

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Sneaker Factoy

Sneaker Factory was an image built for a private client. It was part of a larger interior makeover. The project included photography and retouching.
client — Private

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Sneaker Factoy

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I was responsible for designing and composing the CSR report for the Finnish Network for Sustainable Mining, in collaboration with Samuli Relander from Don&Branco.
client — Kaivosvastuu / Don&Branco

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Helsinki First Aid

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Helsinki First Aid

Helsinki First Aid, a company that organizes first aid courses, needed a clean and trustworthy indentity and web presence to boost their business.
client — Helsinki First Aid Oy

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Helsinki First Aid

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Helsinki First Aid

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Helsinki First Aid

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Helsinki First Aid

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Helsinki First Aid

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Helsinki First Aid

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House of Tulikallio

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House of Tulikallio

House of Tulikallio was a concept designed for a wedding of a private client. Invitations, stationary and a custom seal were designed to meet their needs.
client — Private

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House of Tulikallio

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House of Tulikallio

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House of Tulikallio

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Soulfull People

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Personal projects

These are a set of personal projects, experimenting with various styles and techniques, including illustration and photography. More to come soon.
client — N/A

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Soulfull People

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Signs of Summer

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Signs of Summer

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My name is Ashur Munge. I have a passion for creative problem solving and minimalist aesthetics. My skill set includes crafting concepts, graphic design, web design, art direction, and illustration. As a designer I strive to deliver pixel perfect work and translate complex ideas into simple and appealing visual solutions. I'm currently available for new projects, so don't hesitate to say

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